Even though many Google desktop web apps are already pretty capable and easy to use, there are always things that can be improved, and as such, Calendar on the web has received an update. It's now possible to add more details in the pop-up event creation dialog, and you can finally create fully colored printouts, in case you still like to see your agenda in a physical form.

In the event creation pop-up that shows up when you add an appointment to a slot in your calendar, you now have access to a few more options: The most obvious change is a new event preview at the bottom, letting you choose the color, customize notifications, set whether you're free or busy, and change the visibility. In addition to a description, you can now add an attachment right in the pop-up. You also don't have to click the More options button anymore to grant guests the permission to see the guest list, invite others, or edit an event. Additionally, the Find a time feature now overlays potential guests' calendars, making it even easier to spot a slot fitting everyone involved.

Google has also enhanced agenda printing. When you hit ctrl + P or cmd + P, you should see a new drop-down selector in the print preview, giving you the option to print your schedule in full color. Previously, you could only get an outline or a black and white agenda. There's also a new View option that lets you choose to print one day or one week per sheet.

While these aren't the biggest changes to Calendar on the web ever, they're certainly welcome and should make event creation and printouts more powerful. The new capabilities are rolling out over the next few days and are already available for many people.